All paintings presented here are made within the framework of Abstract Idealism. You can learn more about this art theory in the manifesto of abstract idealism. The link to it is in the first section on this page. The remaining sections on this page are series of paintings created based on the literary works of famous writers. In every artistic work presented here, image and text are one inseparable whole. The text gives meaning to the image, and the image fleshes out the text.
Manifesto of abstract (non-figurative) idealism.
Full reboot of abstract art! No to meaningless forms. Yes to new opportunities for artists and viewers.
William Shakespeare. "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark".
Shakespeare wrote text, I made painting. Text and image unite, merge and form a single artwork.
Vincent van Gogh. The letters to brother Theo.
This series of abstract paintings is based on letters from the artist Van Gogh to his brother Theo.
William Faulkner. "The Sound and the Fury".
Look at classical literature in other way. Experience new vision of Sound and Fury through abstract idealism.
Diaries of Franz Kafka. Series of abstract paintings.
Writer’s thoughts and feelings depicted in paintings using new possibilities of abstract idealism.
Vasily Rozanov."Solitaria" and "Fallen Leaves".
Anything can be depicted by means of abstract idealism, even philosophical ideas.
Herbert Quain. "April March". Series of abstract paintings.
Is it possible to depict an unwritten novel? — Yes, it can be done by means of abstract idealism.
Herbert Quain. "The Secret Mirror".
This series of artworks is devoted to non-existent novel described by Jorge Luis Borges in his book.
Stanislaw Herman Lem. The antinovel.
The entry point of each artwork is a piece of the novel, which gains visual form in abstraction.